Fashion and technical clothing industries aimed at specific and specialized population groups, with growing demands for adaptation and with very differentiated anthropometric characteristics. The shape and measures of the body can vary greatly depending on different parameters such as age, gender or geographical origin. In this way, the analysis of body measures and shapes allows the optimization of sizing systems; that translates into better adaptation to consumers.
For this reason, in recent years, the Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) has consolidated an R & D line in anthropometry and morphometry for the development of new products and services that has allowed the generation of human body anthropometrical databases (whole body, head, foot, hands, etc.)


Population: Men and women
Description of the DB:: N 10976
Age: From 11 to 70 / Year: 2007-2008 and 2013-2014

Population: Kids and children
Description of the DB: N 749
Ages: From 3 to12 / Year: 2014
Measurements: Manual anthropometry
Population: Kids and children
Description of the DB: N 285
Ages: 0-2 / Year: 2009 and 2014

Population: Firefighters
Description of the DB: N189
Ages: From 22 to 66/Year: 2008
Measurements:3D Shape and anthropometry (STANAG 2177)
Population: Soldiers of the Army
Description of the DB: N500
Ages: 18-59/ Year: 2007

Population:Men and women (N 1318, Ages: 18-65, year:2004-2005) Kids and children (N 404, Ages: 1-4, Year:2003) Soldiers of the Army ( N 515, Ages: 18-59, Year:2007).
Measurements:Manual anthropometry
Population:Men and women ( N 2788, Ages: 18-90, Year:1995) Kids and children (N 2392, Ages: 1-16, Year:1995) Soldiers of the Army (N 515, Ages: 18-59, Year:2007).

Population: Soldiers of the Army (N 475 , Ages: 18-59, Soldiers of the Army, Year: 2007).
Measurements: Direct anthropometric measurements from 2D image
Population: Women (N 2165, Ages: 12-70, Year:2007-2008).